Job Posting

Job Opening Information Montessori Elementary Teacher - MONT - 57905

Job Number
Position Start Date

Position Title
Montessori Elementary Teacher - MONT - 57905
Required Application Type
Teacher / Admin
Salary/Pay Scale
minimum starting rate: $59,312.00
Job Description

Montessori Magnet School
Elementary Teacher, grades 1-2
APSTA Employment Opportunity
Monday – Friday

Montessori Magnet School is seeking a teacher interested in the work of Maria Montessori. As a public Montessori we blend the best of both worlds. The mission of Montessori Magnet School is to create and support the development of a responsible and culturally diverse community of individual learners through diligent work in, and adherence to, the Montessori philosophy and method.

As one of the district’s four magnet programs, our Montessori community develops self-motivated, teacher guided students who are able to work independently and collaboratively while always respecting themselves and their surroundings.

It is our belief that the mutual respect exhibited between teacher as guide and our learners results in greater student confidence, enthusiasm and achievement.

Our multi-aged classrooms from pre-K through second grade build strong foundations for student success. Mentoring and modeling for others are staples of the Montessori experience and by working together, we grow together as well.

We strive to blend the philosophy and hands-on materials of Maria Montessori, the guidance provided by the New York State learning standards and the instructional resources provided by our district. The result is a student body that operates within the clear boundaries set by our teachers, able to explore their own standards-connected interests while their level of independence grows.

Job Qualifications

Valid NYS Teacher Certification: Childhood Education (1-6)

Application Procedure

Applications for this position are accepted by applying through the RecruitFront "Apply Now" button.

For assistance with the application process, please contact our Human Resources Department at

Job Category
Job Location
Montessori Magnet School

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